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CERT Coordination Center

Groove Virtual Office COM objects may be accessed insecurely

Vulnerability Note VU#155610

Original Release Date: 2005-05-19 | Last Revised: 2005-06-14


Groove Virtual Office may allow access restrictions on COM objects to be bypassed. Exploitation may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code.


Groove Virtual Office provides a collaborative working environment that includes shared documents, databases, and various other tools to facilitate communication and productivity. The Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) provides a means for communication among objects in a Windows environment. Groove Virtual Office uses many COM objects to perform a variety of tasks. A vulnerability exists in Groove that may allow an attacker to bypass Groove's security restrictions and arbitrarily use a COM object's services, such as script execution.

Please note that if the access restrictions of a COM object that allows remote access are compromised, that object may be exploited remotely.


The impact of exploitation depends on the COM object being attacked. Potential consequences may include the remote execution of arbitrary scripting code, a denial-of-service condition, and the disclosure of sensitive information.



This vulnerability is addressed in Groove Virtual Office 3.1 build 2338, 3.1a build 2364, and Groove Workspace Version 2.5n build 1871. These updates are available from


Vendor Information


Groove Networks Affected

Updated:  May 19, 2005



Vendor Statement

Analysis has identified security vulnerability in older versions of the Groove Virtual Office client software that warranted immediate attention to correct. Although we are not aware of any incidents leveraging the vulnerability, we have responded to address issues that have been identified.

A security update to Groove Virtual Office v3.1 was posted several weeks ago as build 2338. More recently, a maintenance release to Groove Virtual Office, v3.1a build 2364, was posted on the website on April 27th, 2005. This latest release contains all of the security updates plus some addition al maintenance items. If you are running a release prior to 2338 of Groove Virtual Office, we encourage you to update immediately to the latest releases of Groove Virtual Office at:

An update to the previous major release, Groove Workspace Version 2.5n build 1871, is also available. We recommend that all users of Groove Workspace Version 2 update to this version of the
software at:

If you use a customized enterprise installation kit for deployment of the Groove software in your organization, the kits for these versions can be obtained from your Groove sales representative or client manager.

Vendor Information

The vendor has not provided us with any further information regarding this vulnerability.


US-CERT has no additional comments at this time.

If you have feedback, comments, or additional information about this vulnerability, please send us email.

CVSS Metrics

Group Score Vector



This vulnerability was reported by US-CERT.

This document was written by Jeff Gennari.

Other Information

CVE IDs: None
Severity Metric: 1.87
Date Public: 2005-05-19
Date First Published: 2005-05-19
Date Last Updated: 2005-06-14 15:50 UTC
Document Revision: 89

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